The third and last transnational meeting in the Strong Young Minds project was held in Setubal, Portugal 30th April – 3rd of May 2018. There were 13 participants in the meeting and there was a full schedule for the whole time. Our goal for this meeting was to finalize the board game and curriculum and make decisions about the final design of the handbook and the website.
We played the prototype of the board game and made some final adjustments. There was a genuine surprise to see the final outcome of the production. All game pieces are made by reusing f.x. old furniture and all the game pieces are unique. There was a emphasis on using environmental friendly materials and to have the board game produced by hand.

We finalized the curriculum and made decisions about what to include in the final version. The problem we faced was that there was so much that we wanted to include but had only limited time and space for everything. We came to a conclusion and think that we have produced a really effective and practical curriculum with activities that will benefit young people all over Europe.

There were some difficult decisions to be made at that meeting, we realized that we could not create a video for every activity, that was the idea in the beginning but practically that was not an option. We decided to create videos that would show the methods in practice and would be a good demonstration of how to use non formal education to teach young people. We concluded that quality was the important factor in making the videos.