Second transnational meeting in the Strong Young Minds project was held in Iceland 25th to 30th of June 2017. In total there were 13 Participants for the whole meeting, 4 from Hugarafl, 2 from Minte Forte, 2 from Ask yourself, 2 from Scout Valencias and 3 from Ha Moment. Also there were 2 extra participants from Hugarafl during the last 2 days. The meeting was held in two venues, first in Ski Resort Hengill in the Blafjoll ski area 25th to 27th of June, after that we moved to a villa in Hveragerdi a small town east of Reykjavik for the rest of the meeting. Everyone met at Hugarafls (Mindpowers) headquarters for a breakfast and then we we moved up to the ski resort. After settling in the ski resort we took a tour to Thorsmork and the Lavacenter in Hvolsvollur.

In this meeting we went through our work up to the meeting and decided what lay ahead. We had made a decision in Madrid to have a 4th working day in the Icelandic meeting and that was needed.
First day 26th was dedicated to the curriculum, Minte Forte lead the work and the day was spent analyzing our work and the testing we had done on the activities in the curriculum. We also made decisions about our further work and how to proceed with the curriculum. We invited the NA to come and dine with us along some partners of the young minds group in Hugarafl (Mindpower).

Day two 27th was mainly spent working on the board game, we got 2 extra participants from Hugarafl (Mindpower) that are working with us now on the board game. We played a prototype of the game and afterwards we discussed the outcome and split up in groups to work on various aspects of the game, narrative, traits, missions, challenges, characters and rules. Some chances were made and further development was planned. In the afternoon we chanced venues and moved to the villa in Hveragerdi.

The third day 28th was split in two, we started the day by working on the future plans for our project, website, handbook and videos. Also made plans for the upcoming training in Romania. After lunch we took a sightseeing tour in the southern part of Iceland.

Day four 29th was used to split the workload for the upcoming deadlines. Planned for finalizing the curriculum and set dates for next steps. Discussed about the project and our experiences working in a project like this. Went out to lunch in a local restaurant that offered some Icelandic dishes that some of the participants decided to try. In the afternoon some of the participants started to pack and get ready to go home. First groups left that evening. Four days of intense work over and great progress made in our project.